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「川昱永續環控公司」主要業務為台灣EEWH綠建築、美國 LEED 綠建築及美國WELL健康建築等認證,是LEED認證之台灣唯一擁有Proven Provider 及美國綠色建築委員會(USGBC)大中華區圓桌成員之榮譽與資格的公司,是LEED 認證的第一品牌;於2019年創立新的品牌WELLTHY,專注於建築健康理念,致力於提供人們更好的生活體驗,WELLTHY透過多年顧問輔導與檢測經驗幫助建築物走向健康、安全、無毒、舒適。

團隊成員包括美國能源與環境設計專業人員(LEED Accredit Professional)、美國WELL健康建築認證專業講師(WELL Faculty)、美國WELL健康建築認證專業人員(WELL Accredit Professional)、美國WELL健康建築性能驗證專業人員(WELL Performance Testing Agent)、建築設計師、室內設計師、能源動態模擬分析專家、冷凍空調技師等專業人員。團隊成員嫻熟美國 LEED 綠建築評估系統,與台灣綠建築九大指標,Green Data Center 設計、ISO 50001能源管理系統,為國內擁有豐富完整之美國 LEED 綠建築及WELL健康建築評估系統執行實務經驗,及提供全方位解決方案之團隊。


本公司致力於推廣綠建築及健康福祉建築,希望藉由整合各種綠建築及健康建築技術,提供業主一個全方位的EEWH, LEED及WELL顧問服務。

Enertek Sustainable Design & Technology Ltd. was found in August 2006.Our goal is providing green building technical consulting services and create health and sustainable environment. We are the only one Taiwanese company awarded with honors of the LEED Proven Provider and the leadership as USGBC Greater China Roundtable Member in promoting the development of LEED and sustainability.

In 2019, the new brand WELLTHY was founded, we focusing on the concept of building health and committed to providing people with a better life experience. WELLTHY helps the building fowards health, safety, non-toxic and comfortable through years of consulting and testing experience.

Our team members include LEED accredit professionals, WELL Faculty, WELL accredit professionals, WELL Performance Testing Agent professionals, architects, interior designers, building energy model analysts, HVAC&R professional engineers, etc. We specialize in LEED, WELL and EEWH certification, green data center design, and ISO 50001 energy management.

Our company is devoting in green and health building promotion, integrating green and health building techniques and providing comprehensive green and health consulting services.